About Us

About Sucré Bakery

After visiting the charming French patisseries adorning L’Avenue des ChampsÉlysées, I was inspired to bring this exquisite experience to Loveland. Combining my background in luxury retail and culinary training in New York, creating Sucré was a natural progression. Sucré embodies an air of luxury and deliciousness that everyone can enjoy.

Today, Sucré stands as a testament to this vision, building on the success of the former Cocoa Bites, where I honed my skills. While we introduce new and exciting treats, many of the beloved sweets from 305 W Loveland Ave remain available.

Our French-Trained Pastry Chef

Our pastry chef, trained in the finest culinary traditions of France, brings a unique blend of artistry and flavor to every creation. Each pastry is crafted with precision and passion, ensuring a delightful experience for our customers.

Our Commitment to Quality

At Sucré Bakery, we are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in every bite of our pastries, cakes, and pies. We strive to create an unforgettable taste that leaves a lasting impression.

Visit Sucré in Loveland

Come in to taste the French air and experience our fresh take on the local patisserie. Located at 305 W Loveland Ave, our bakery invites you to indulge in a luxurious and tasty experience.

For more details on our offerings and to place an order, visit our Orders Page.